Evoponic PK Bulk 1L Hydroponics Nutrients
Evoponic PK Bulk
Evoponic PK Bulk - 250ml, 1 Litre or 5 Litres
PK Bulk, from Evoponics, is a superior PK blend that combines three products into one;
• A concentrated PK 18:20 designed to provide supplementary nutrition in all flowering plants.
• Natural Growth Hormones to maximises flowering
• Plant extracts to encourage bulk building
Evoponic PK Bulk Typical Analysis:
Phosphate (P2O5) - 180g/l
Potassium (K23O) - 200g/l
Application Rates for all substrates
0.25ml/L - For week 3
0.5ml/L - For week 4 and 5
0.5>1ml/L - From week 6 onwards
Flush - Final week
First add PK BULK into the tank, and then reach the required TDS with the basic flowering nutrients. Then adjust the pH between 5.8 and 6.2. You can use PK BULK in either hard or soft water.
Available in 1 litre