This Bloom Boost formula from Plant Magic Plus is designed to increase the size, colour and aroma from your flowers, and it does exactly that.
Bloom Boost contains high levels of phosphorus and potassium which is used by plants in very large amounts during their flowering and fruiting period, and it also contains some elements of nitrogen to help maintain a more balanced nutrient. Added to your regular base nutrient, Plant Magic Plus Bloom Boost will assist your plants in their struggle to produce the biggest and best crop possible from your garden. Plant Magic Plus Bloom Boost is not an organic product, but it can be used with any growing media or hydroponic system. How To Use Hydroponics/Coco - Add 2ml per litre of water from the start of week 4, through to the end of week 6 of your flowering period. Soil - Add 1ml per litre of water from the start of week 4, through to the end of week 7 of your flowering period. |